A decade-long dream at San Juan SWCD has finally come true – we have our own office building! We kicked off 2021 with a groundbreaking ceremony, followed by the excitement of construction officially getting underway. But what is even more exciting is the services and assistance we are now able to provide the local community, as we all work together to protect and preserve our healthy soils and water throughout the district.
Staff and board members have worked hard for years to pave the way for this project. This effort started with our late District Manager and board member, Emma Lee Deyo, who negotiated with the Farmington BLM for nearly five years to secure the donation of a piece of land for our future home. It took another three years after that to secure capital outlay funding in 2019, thanks to the support of our NM state legislators. That left two years of planning, design, and construction with the team at Formative Architecture and Winters Construction to bring us to the exciting milestone we find ourselves at today.
Our new office is located at 301 McWilliams Rd, just north of Koogler Middle School in the northern part of Aztec, and we hope you will stop in and say hello. You can also always reach us by phone at 505-234-6040, or by email at business@sanjuanswcd.com
We hope to see you soon!